Jan 27, 2023
Thre are three types of people, he said, and my mind has been racing ever since.
In a Zoom call this week I chatted with another speaker for an upcoming conference. He and I want our messages complement each other and he offered some of his presentation highlights and one thing he said has rattled around in my...
Jan 20, 2023
There's a tale radio people tell about why they got into radio. Does it apply to me? Well...
A story I’ve heard about people in radio is that many of them share a similar childhood experience: They tried to get their parent’s attention but their parents shushed them – told them to be quiet – they’re...
Jan 13, 2023
A friend's fortunes have turned...
I met with a friend yesterday. I haven’t seen or spoken to him much for the past six months. His business has exploded over the past three or four years. He’s a good guy, an honest guy. He’s created a niche product, the market found him and he’s grown it masterfully....
Jan 8, 2023
Time for a New Year's Resolution. Let's make it a BHAG.
Perhaps you’ve heard the word BHAG. It’s actually an acronym. Stands for Big Hairy Audacious Goal. A BHAG. BHAG is also, incidentally, a city in Pakistan. Certainly pronounced differently and now that you know it’s also a city, the next time someone...