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Keepin' It Real with Cam Marston

Dec 19, 2019

I wish I could remain immune to Christmas stress but memories of past Christmases make me go overboard. And I probably will again this year.

Dec 13, 2019

We create terms and phrases to insert into our lives to disguise the fact that what we're really doing is just having fun. 

Dec 3, 2019

Counting  your blessings is supposed to make us feel grateful. So I tested it. And, strangely, it works.

Nov 22, 2019

There are some thing that are just too personal to talk about, even with very close friends and family.

Nov 15, 2019

I'm an OK guy at most things I do. But from time to time I spot folks and I know immediately that I'm better than those people. And it seems I'm always in my car when I see them.