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Keepin' It Real with Cam Marston

Jul 29, 2022

It's a rediculous question I ask when getting to know another couple. Their answer tells me a lot. . .


When my wife and I meet new couples, there’s always a series of get to know you questions. “How did you two meet?” is a standard one. “Tell me about your children”...

Jul 22, 2022

I say it all the time: "Turn off your lights when you leave your room!" It's yet another way I've become my father. 


I heard myself say it and I could hear my father’s voice coming out of my mouth as it happened. “Please turn off your lights when you leave your bedroom,” I said...

Jul 15, 2022

It's not uncommon for me to consider something only after I've said it aloud which is the opposite of how it should happen. It usually leads to awkward moments...


I asked a new acquaintance of mine, in a voice that was, perhaps, too loud, if his son was given the name Carson because...

Jul 8, 2022

There are some parts of human evolution that have not changed. What made a kid happy a long long time ago is the same stuff that makes kids happy today. And what made a parent happy a long time ago remains unchanged, too. 


"My fifteen-year-old twins will have been at...